Project Management
I’ve led organizations and teams of up to 30 individuals in long-term (multi-year) projects, in both the engineering and design space, as well as in the field of software development.
Project Management Experience in my Professional Work
SAIC - Software Engineer
- Act as one of four seniors on ~20 person contract team, across multiple contract transitions.
- Duties include recruiting, onboarding, and training of skilled junior positions on the contract.
- Developed and implemented strategies to improve workflows of non-technical teams. Changes I’ve championed include:
- Transitioned from no source control to Git
- Tracking and delegating work via Kanban and Jira
- Implementing better versioning policies
- Developed automation strategies to streamline and consolidate creation of new development workflows through the use of templating, unit test evaluation, and component organization.
SAIC - Software Testing Professional
- Work on ~20 person contract team serving DOD customer.
- Act as senior on contract team, working on the recruiting, onboarding, and training of skilled junior positions on our contract.
- Act as testing lead for customer product development team for a Government off-the-shelf application used Army-wide.
- Champion of agile workflows and methodologies for development team.
- Led team migration from TFS to Git hosted via BitBucket Server.
- Designed workflows through the Atlassian suite to increase team efficacy.
- Assist in maintenance of CMMI certifications for customer product.
- Mentor junior developers with individualized projects, enforcing concepts like
- Agile workflow (Kanban)
- Clean code & architecture
- Test-Driven Development
Project Management Experience in my Student Projects
UA Civil Engineering Senior Design - Project Lead, 1st Team
- Was elected by a class of 36 student-peers and department faculty to be the 1st team lead in a semester long senior design project.
- Placed in charge of a small team with the goal of designing, modeling, costing, and scheduling a $15 million, 45,000 square foot business incubator over the course of 4 months.
- Used tools such as MS Project, Trello, and an Agile-based workflow (Kanban) to break engineering process into a manageable timeline.
- Compiled and presented deliverables at regular intervals, including a final presentation to industry leaders and general UA College of Engineering faculty.
UA CE432 - Team Lead, 1st Team Undergraduate
- Led team of 6 student-peers in the development of a 3D Matrix Analysis program written in MATLAB.
- Used Kanban workflow to manage overall solution development and team workloads.
- Presented deliverables at regular intervals, including technical specifications, requirements completion, and at-presentation demonstrations with randomized test data.
UA ASCE Concrete Canoe - Captain
- Led teams ranging from 12-30 students in the year-long engineering, design, production, and presentations of a $10,000+/year project.
- Used tools such as MS Project, Google Drive App Suite, and Slack + chatbots to manage multiple component-specific teams and their tasking, workflows, and time- and cost-scheduling.
- Led other ASCE competition teams in short-run projects, with ~6 month, sub-$1000 requirements.
- Worked heavily with structural analysis as well as data analysis and projection using C# and Python
UA Rocket Team - Consultant
- Was requested to join as project management consultant, joining a team of ~20 students in a 2-year run.
- Helped create a WBS-based project timeline leading up to an annually-held competition.
- Helped with funding request processes, both in-college and with businesses and individuals.
- Worked on engineering projects developing and testing electronics systems for amateur rocketry
- Worked in Python and Arduino to develop telemetry and advanced tracking software for in-flight analysis and reporting